5 tips on how to Kibbe type yourself
People all over the world are interested in the Kibbe system. And with good reason. It's fashion customized. It's a way to break yourself away from the ever changing trends and figure out how to dress for YOU. This has positive effects on so many levels. It helps you get to know your body and what looks good on it. It also helps you to appreciate your body and all body types and see them equally. The other great thing it that since you don't have to be constantly buying these trendy clothes, it saves money and it's potentially more eco friendly. The problem is, so many people are confused by this system and how it works. They don't understand the specific lingo Kibbe uses and they can't find someone to accurately tell them their type. While it's true I do offer a service to help people find their types, I ultimately think the best option is to type yourself. This is for a few reasons but the main one is that you know yourself best. You ...