5 tips on how to Kibbe type yourself

     People all over the world are interested in the Kibbe system. And with good reason. It's fashion customized. It's a way to break yourself away from the ever changing trends and figure out how to dress for YOU. This has positive effects on so many levels. It helps you get to know your body and what looks good on it. It also helps you to appreciate your body and all body types and see them equally. The other great thing it that since you don't have to be constantly buying these trendy clothes, it saves money and it's potentially more eco friendly. 

    The problem is, so many people are confused by this system and how it works. They don't understand the specific lingo Kibbe uses and they can't find someone to accurately tell them their type. While it's true I do offer a service to help people find their types, I ultimately think the best option is to type yourself. This is for a few reasons but the main one is that you know yourself best. You know what look best on you. If I type you in a way you don't agree with (however accurate it may be) it will not be of any help to you. 

So here are some quick tips on how to type yourself:

1. Narrow it down to one of the "core types" first! 

    Kibbe has 13 image I.D.'s - as he calls them. Some include types like Theatrical Romantic, Dramatic Classic etc. Many times people will be confused between two types. Let's say, flamboyant gamine and soft classic for example. However, this theoretically shouldn't happen because a gamine type is very different from a classic type. These types like gamine, classic romantic, natural and dramatic are what I call the "core types". What Kibbe does in his book is state that these types can either lean closer to the yin (soft types) or yang (flamboyant/ dramatic/ theatrical types). Meaning a flamboyant gamine for example is mostly gamine with some dramatic features. 

    So the first thing you need to do is focus on the core type and decide with you are MOST like. This should be fairly easy since these types are very different and distinct. Once you have what core type you believe you are, you can determine if you're leaning towards having more yin (softness, rounded bones) or yang (Angular, sharp bones).

    Here is an over simplified, quick run down of each core  type:

    -Romantic: Typically but not always about average in height maybe a little shorter. Curvy. Your curves are the first thing people notice about you. Rounded wide hips, full bust and defined waist. Traditionally very "feminine" appearance. Often times, curled hair looks best on you as well as traditionally "feminine" clothing. For some, Suits and professional wear can look boring or odd on you. 

    -Gamine: Typically but not always short in height. Angular thin bones. Sharper shoulders and facial bones, straighter figure with flatter chest and hips. Can have some curves but won't be very curvy. Can look small and youthful. Sometimes super feminine clothes look a bit frumpy on you. You can pull off looks that are typically seem more youthful. (Ex. You're 50 but love crazy hair colors and concert tees) 

    -Classic: Typically but not always a classic has a very moderate appearance. Figure is neither very curvy and romantic nor very straight. Average height and facial features. You typically don't like clothing that is too girly but some girly clothing looks good on you. On the other hand, you can also pull off a suit. You tend to be a sophisticate and have a more reserved, yet friendly personality. Poised and graceful. Think a quietly smiling Disney Princess.

    -Natural: Typically but not always naturals are taller with a relaxed and causal appearance. They may have thicker brows and square jaw. Square, noticeable shoulders. You may (or may not) describe yourself as "bigger boned". Casual clothing feels best on you. You pass on too girly clothing but also too constructed and professional clothing doesn't look right either. You're a jeans and tee type. You're movements and personality are very open, friendly and casual. 

    -Dramatic: Typically but not always dramatics are very tall. Your height is one of the first thing people see when they look at you. With very angular facial features and narrow bones. you can really wear anything shocking or anything bright and bold. Small girly prints don't typically look right on you. Suits look great on you. You have a bigger than life personality but you can be very reserved and serious. 

    Now you can determine your type by adding if you have more yin (softness) or yang (angularity). So if you chose gamine but you have some softness in your facial bones like a rounded chin or nose and maybe some rounded hips, you would be a soft gamine. A classic with some added angularity or sharpness will probably be a dramatic class. 


Yin = soft, curved appearance. Types leaning towards yin are; soft gamine, romantic, soft classic, soft natural and soft dramatic

Yang = angular, sharper appearance. Types leaning towards yang are; flamboyant gamine, theatrical romantic, dramatic classic, flamboyant natural and dramatic

2. Don't over analyze!

   Kibbe seems confusing and to be honest, if you follow every word he says it can be. We are not all professionals here! So keep it simple. Many people spend time picking apart every aspect and angle of their body. Trust me, this is not the way! Pick your type based on what you're MOST like. What type do you gravitate most to? What is your overall appearance? Remember, don't trip yourself up on the details. 

3. Find a reliable source of information.

    There are SO many professional stylists offering to type you online for hundred of dollars. On the other hand you can log into Reddit and have twenty random people type you and all can have a different answer. So who can you listen to when trying to learn the system and type yourself? You need to find a stylist's youtube channel or website that clicks with you. Each stylist has a different approach to this Yin/ Yang system so find the one that you like the best and who you can actually learn from (and not walk away even more confused). There are many that stick strictly to what David Kibbe says, others add their own theories about what works for their clients. Since David Kibbe isn't the original inventor of the Yin/ Yang system, I find there are many ways to approach this and you just need to find what works for you. 

4. You can try the clothing test but beware...

    It's a very popular way to find your type. You simply put on the lines and clothing that looks best in a certain type to see how it looks on you. It's a good idea BUT people don't always only look good in their image I.D.'s lines. Some romantic may pull off natural look etc. This can cause more confusion for some. So do try the test but keep in mind, this isn't a solid way to type yourself. It's more like a slight nudge in the right direction if you're stuck between two or three types. 


5. Go with your gut!

    Again, you don't need to pick yourself apart. You don't need to fit neatly into one box. This is is about finding an I.D. that clicks with you and makes you feel happy and feel beautiful. If you feel you're a soft classic but keep getting typed and a soft natural... follow your gut! Ultimately, you know yourself more than a stylist you met online. You know what lines will make you feel your best. So just find the type that makes you happy and be wonderfully, unapologetically you!

Please check out my youtube channel for helpful video guides and wardrobe recommendations:



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